Tuesday 21 May 2024

Job satisfaction…In People/Team Management – Managing work life balance.


A job by definition is a paid position that requires completion of a set of tasks. This is fairly understood in clarity by almost all. However, there can be complications regarding how we intend to do a job, as opposed to how we are expected to do it.

When we do our job and are happy about it, it results in job satisfaction. In most cases, job satisfaction is hardly dependent on doing the job itself. The factors are different for different people. It may be the work atmosphere, it may be dependent on the people who we work with, respect and value that we get in the society associated with the job we do, work life balance etc.

Pay is also an important factor but rarely is the sole reason. If pay is the only reason, people are smart enough to move to another job, or find an alternative source of income, take up a second job etc. In most cases, the lack of job satisfaction and the reasons for it tend to be emotional in nature.

People sometimes perceive the job that they are doing as the hardest job in the world. It is evident by the way they explain the complexity of their job to others, in conversations among their friends or relatives. They don’t miss an opportunity to complain about their job and feel it is so unfair to them. The resultant stress and pain can only get excruciating as they are doing something that they hate. They fail to understand it was their choice and still continues to be too. A few pointers that can help relieve the stress and result in job satisfaction are as follows:

      Sense of purpose: Identifying the job with sense of purpose and achievement that directly results in a secure and a comfortable life for self and family. A condition that so many people are deprived of.

      Understanding the importance of the job: Don’t take it too lightly that you will go jobless in an hour, similarly don’t take it so seriously that you will end up having prolonged mental stress. A job is an important aspect of life, but there are other things too that are far more important.

      Making the work atmosphere happy for self and others: In fact, when we make the work environment happy for others, our work atmosphere gets happy too.

      Being the person, whose absence is missed: Trying to be the person whose presence is appreciated and sought after is a good way of ensuring satisfaction for self.

      Overall Personality development: Working towards improving overall personality development by taking up course to upskill or involving in engagement activities is another way of improving chances for new opportunities.

There is never a formula for job satisfaction, where values can be tweaked to get or change desired outcomes. Understanding what really motivates you is the key. Once it is identified, constantly working on it will help ensure satisfaction at work. Personal life is equally important, a balance between work life and personal life is essential as both complement each other.

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Tuesday 27 February 2024

Understanding incompatibility…In People/Team Management – consequences, reasons and resolutions.


Incompatibility can be explained as a state of not being able to work with another person or thing because of basic differences. This can be case with devices, software, machinery and people. When it happens with things, it will render them useless; however when it happens among people, it will result in unfavorable situations and the complications that arise as a result of it.

In this post, we will discuss how incompatibility between people affects their work and personal lives. To understand this term we first need to understand that this doesn’t happen overnight. It consists of multiple layers formed over a period of time. The degree of dissent between people is a direct outcome of how long it has not been acknowledged, addressed and thereby ignored.

People tend to perceive the same situation differently. This ability of people is the primary reason for the conflict to begin. No two people are a one hundred percent match for each other. However between two people, if you consider that the other person already has an 80% of what you need, and lacks a 20% of what you want. It is your choice whether you are willing to let go off the 80% that you have for the 20% that you want. How far you are willing to work with the other person and vice versa makes the difference.

It is a no brainer that it is the most common and prevalent issue today in people’s personal and professional lives. The reasons for the discords between people are far from being simple, it could be having different priorities, ego, a general lack of appreciation of efforts, time and sacrifices of the other person. Etc. etc.

Hence we will try to understand the issue and learn how to diffuse it. Identifying the problem early is the key here. The sooner it is identified, the easier it is to resolve it. A few pointers will help resolving situations like this. Needless to say, open and a free communication are fundamental to approach towards a resolution.

·       Express your willingness to work through the situation, explaining the benefits of the resolution.

·       Be strong with what is unacceptable, yet be polite in communicating it.

·       Determining whether it is a skill issue or a will issue. Keeping the resolution as a process oriented exercise than a result oriented one.

·       Keeping calm throughout the conversation, otherwise the mind shuts off even the basic functions, like hearing the other person when both are talking over each other.

It is important that both parties agree on an action plan. Documentation of the same helps keep actions defined in a more formal scenario. The process is simple, but the implementation of the same by both parties is critical. It requires to be followed up from time to time.

This approach will definitely help work on relationships that people would generally give up making excuses of incompatibility. It would transform the quality of a relationship for good.

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