Wednesday 15 October 2014

Essential changes recommended within work force in People/Team Management – Create a spirited work environment.

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People are different with regards to their nature, manner and individuality. The classification of their general behavior is hence different, and in sync with their personality. These patterns result in their habit/s. The habits/traits thus formed describe what kind of person he/she is. Is he/she is cheerful, or silent; is he/she confident or is self centered etc. They could be either positive or negative attributes formed aver a period of time. This is no different with members in a team. There can be a team of 10 with ten different personalities or small groups with similar behavior. Every individual’s nature whether positive or negative influences the team mindset in one way or the other. The negative habits/attributes in some cases can be detrimental to team’s performance and form a major obstacle in attaining simple team goals.

Forces opposite to each other fail to give a positive result. Hence wherever possible a leader should attempt to influence and change these varied adverse traits to form a host of positive attributes; which will facilitate smooth functioning of the team. Identify the following behaviors in team members and aim to convert to positive attributes:

·         Introvert/loner – Sociable   (change that introvert who hardly speaks to others in the team; to a person who gets along with others easily).
·         Gloomy – Cheerful   (transform the gloomy individual to one among the most cheerful lot in the team).
·         Silent - Noisy    (encourage/involve the silent person who sits in one corner away from the team to be an essential part of the noisy team).
·         Self centered – Generous   (educate/train the self centered person the benefits of sharing and being generous).
·         Apprehensive – Confident   (teach power of confidence to the doubtful person: what wonders can be achieved with confidence).
·         Pessimistic – Optimistic   (Introduce the optimistic way of seeing things to this guy; exploring possibilities and opening new doorways to opportunities).

A word of caution though, these are the habits that people have formed are over a period of time and they can’t change overnight. However, following are tips that may be helpful in achieving the change eventually:

·         Identifying their aspects of interest/s, initiating a team discussion on similar topics and involving/encouraging them to provide inputs.
·         Observing their strong areas, assigning them a team member/ small group to coach.
·         Involving /entrusting them with key team responsibilities and appreciating them at their success.
·         Putting constant efforts to involve them and showing them the benefits of working as a team.
·         Explaining how their small footsteps towards change will be helpful in their own personality development and further their prospects.

Similarly care must also be taken to appreciate individuals who already possess key positive traits such as being spirited, confident, bold etc. It is because of them that you are able to focus and spend time on the other group. Once the other group is coached and are on the same page, you now will have an entire team with positive skill sets, prepared and eager to take on the biggest of challenges. You have achieved a spirited work environment for one and all.

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