Tuesday 29 September 2015

Dealing with 'Emotional warfare in mind'...in team/people management. - A wonderful self development course.

Understanding and dealing  - Emotions

PS : Even before I start this article, I would like to let my readers know that the majority of the links in my last couple of articles (unlike my previous posts) is sourced from other website/s. However, the intention behind, is sharing valuable learning and best practices with you. My effort through this blog, is to share this learning that has personally benefited me, reach out to many more. This personality development learning will benefit one and all. I am confident that this learning will enrich your knowledge further and benefit you phenomenally - both professionally and personally. I take this opportunity to thank Jayaram V a great Author who has made this personality development essays available to all.

It is very common that we are at a constant warfare with our emotions in our day to day life. The battles I would say are very frequent. They are so frequent that we take them for granted and do not even stop to think about them. Emotions like anger, fear,emotions of lustful thoughts and you name it. Emotions that safe guard us sometimes and emotions that overwhelm us with guilt and shame. Well, that is the reason this post is titled "Emotional warfare in mind". Many people are not comfortable with their emotions. So they try to suppress them, or ignore them or distance themselves from them. But emotions just do not go away, unless you pay them adequate attention and remedy the underlying cause.The articles in this post below, provide a first hand information of how and why 
emotions trigger? and teach us methods to deal with them. 

Emotions are the drama of your life. Life without emotions would be dull and boring like an empty canvass. Emotions are at the heart of both good and bad relationships. They bring people together and also tear them apart. People express opinions about emotions, but know very little about them and much less how to deal with them, live with them and keep them under control. The following posts will provide us with a clear understanding of what emotions are, how they form and most importantly what can we do to control them. 

I hope you enjoy reading the posts and find it helpful. I request you to share the learning as much as possible so that many more benefit from it. 

Happy Learning! and Happy Sharing!

Thanks a lot! I really appreciate your time reading this post. I would be glad to know your inputs both For or Against. Please feel free to post,share or like if you find it useful.

Monday 28 September 2015

Good Leaders are made not born...in team/people management. - Practice to perfection.

Effective Leadership

That's right good leaders are made not born. People can choose to become good leaders. People can learn leadership skills just as any other skill.However, they develop through a never ending process of study, training and experience. In order to motivate a group of people of achieve ambitious targets, there are certain things you must be, know and do. The basis of good leadership is honorable character and trust. 

The definition of leadership from the world respected leader, Dr. Stephen R. Covey's words:

 "Through years of study teaching and working with people all over the world, from all walks of life, I have determined that leadership is : Communicating to people their worth and potential so clearly that they come to see it in themselves. It is the influence we have with others to help them discover their own voice, to find their own purpose, to make their unique contribution, and to release their potential, that truly defines leadership. Thus, leadership extends to the many personal and professional roles we play - as workers, parents,children, teachers, students, swamis, you name it - and the choice we make to live by principles to help others find their voice."

So simply and wonderfully put, yet we get confused so many times thinking that leadership is all about us. 

I would like to share a few more inspiring articles from renowned Authors, on the dynamics of effective leadership that help leaders of today, lead teams in challenging environments towards difficult goals.

ps : I extend my thanks to the above mentioned authors for laying an excellent path for New Age Leadership. I am confident that the above articles are a treasure of knowledge and effective tools in fine tuning leadership skills. I hope you enjoy reading the above posts too. Further, I encourage you to share as much as possible. If you enjoyed reading and learning from it, others too might!

Happy Learning! and Happy Sharing!

Thanks a lot! I really appreciate your time reading this post. I would be glad to know your inputs both For or Against. Please feel free to post,share or like if you find it useful.

Sunday 27 September 2015

Happiness as a key to success...in team/people management. – both personally and professionally.

Happiness as a key to success

I am sure most of you are aware that happiness is synonymous with success. We are happy about our success and we celebrate it. This is a general course of action as we have experienced happiness from an event. It is an expression of happiness on a random occurrence. However, there is another aspect of happiness. Happiness as a state of mind – one that develops as your personality, the way you react and respond to the events and circumstances in your life. The point is if you practice this “state of happiness” always in any relationship or with your team, the result will be phenomenal. The same applies both in your professional and personal life as well. I would like to share with you a wonderful collection of articles related to “state of happiness” by Jayaram V a great author. I am sure the read will provide an insight into the nature and psychology of happiness. Please find below the links to pursue happiness as a key to success.

·         What Makes You Happy?
·         A Simple Key to Happiness.

Few remarkable quotes about happiness:

·         If you want to be happy, look at how you make yourself unhappy. – DR. Gail Brenner.
·         Happiness breeds more happiness. – DR. Gail Brenner.
·         Happiness is a word that refers to a state that can’t be defined in words. – DR. Gail Brenner.
·         If you consider happiness is as essential as breathing your each moment would be so much happier.

I hope that you find the above posts and the insights informative and helpful. 

Happy Reading!

Thanks a lot! I really appreciate your time reading this post. I would be glad to know your inputs both For or Against. Please feel free to post,share or like if you find it useful.

Saturday 26 September 2015

The A-Z of Anger Management...in team/people management. - An excellent learning.

Anger Management

Anger is one of the most common and frequent emotions we experience. I am sure you are all aware of the damage that it does - sometimes temporary and mostly permanent. It could mean some small time differences with people around us; or some life changing consequences with our relationships. In any case we need to understand that our anger is our own enemy and it usually does us more harm than we can imagine. 

It is important that we understand the causes for this emotion, its signs, the drivers of it  and finally the techniques and solutions to overcome. I think we will be a a great advantage, should we understand this dangerous trait of ours in depth. 

I stumbled upon a great treasure of collection of essays from various renowned Authors, that I wanted to share with you. Please find below the links to different aspects of anger management.

The reason I call this a 'treasure' is that if we take out time and read at least few of the essays and put efforts to practice the techniques mentioned, I think we will make a phenomenal contribution to our own personality and spread happiness among our surroundings. Happy Reading!

Thanks a lot! I really appreciate your time reading this post. I would be glad to know your inputs both For or Against. Please feel free to post,share or like if you find it useful.